As I sit down to write this blog post, I’m feeling the widest range of emotions that I’ve think I’ve honestly ever experienced. This past Friday, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, and I’ve been angry beyond measure these past few days because of it. By Friday afternoon, I couldn’t handle the weight of the world and the noise of social media anymore, so I laid it all down. I deleted all my news and social media apps, and put my phone into “do not disturb” mode for the rest of the day.
Because of Friday's events, I’ve also been feeling a sense of hopelessness that I’ve never experienced before; unless something changes (and soon) this will not be the end of backwards progress in the U.S., and that fact utterly terrifies me. So yeah – a news and social media detox was much needed.
On Saturday, I woke up with a strong determination boiling inside me: I couldn’t do anything about this abortion decision past donating (which I’ve been doing for a while), speaking up, and heading to the polls later this year. However, I could certainly find hope elsewhere.
On Saturday morning, I sat down in front of my computer with the intent to finish the slow-but-steady set-up process I’ve been going through for my new mental health initiative. And friends: I FINISHED. I am so excited to share that Write In The Feels is now in full swing, and I wanted to take a moment to share a bit more information with you.
When I started dreaming of the mental health journals, I knew I wanted to do more with them past selling them. I have a platform; why not use it?
In May 2022, I soft-launched Write In The Feels: a program that works to get mental health journals in the hands of anyone who would benefit from one – whether they have the means to purchase one or not. Besides selling the journals, I decided I’d also be making regular donations of them to those in need. (For every two journals sold, I donate one.) Journal donations are available on a no-strings-attached basis; all the requester has to do is fill out a quick form.
Shortly after soft-launching it, I realized Write In The Feels needed a lot more resources other than a request form. It all came together quickly in my mind, but in practice, it ended up taking a total of five weeks to get through everything I wanted to do.
Now that it’s finished, I wanted to take a second to formally introduce you to Write In The Feels and all its friends. :)
First things first: I own a new domain! If you enter writeinthefeels.com into your web browser, it will redirect you to this lovely page, which serves as a main hub for the program. This way, it’s easy to send people my way rather than having to share a long website with them.
On this page you’ll find the following items:
- a link to an about page, which will tell you everything about the journals and the program.
- links to the most popular journals, which will allow people to view a closer look into the journals and make a purchase (if desired)
- two options for spreading the word about Write In The Feels: a refer a friend option (anyone who’s referred will end up getting this email), as well as free and low-cost marketing materials that can be put on display and/or handed out.
- a donation option for all the lovely humans in the KYBI community who want to help fund journals. I’ll be making every effort to send out thank you cards when donations come in, so if you’ve made a donation already, be on the lookout for yours!
- and last but not least, the request form, which takes less than two minutes to fill out! Anytime someone fills out the form, I receive a notification in my inbox, and I use the response to create a free order through my website.
And because I want everything to be easy to find, these links also now live within my main navigation, as seen here:

I can’t tell you how truly excited I am to completely have this program out in the world. When I feel hopeless like I have these past few days, my best plan of action is always to find the pockets of hope where I can. And friends – I’m living in that pocket right now, and I’m so glad you’re here with me.
I can’t wait to see all the good this program does. This is just the beginning. Love you long time. :’)